Ny HM HBM 2500-45S man platebøyemaskin

ny HM HBM 2500-45S man platebøyemaskin
ny HM HBM 2500-45S man platebøyemaskin
ny HM HBM 2500-45S man platebøyemaskin bilde 2
ny HM HBM 2500-45S man platebøyemaskin bilde 3
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Nettovekt: 6 275 kg
Sted: Tyskland Ahaus6623 km fra deg
Forhandler lager ID: 1008-8355046
Dato oppført: mer enn 1 måned
Totale mål: 3,9 m × 1,7 m × 1,9 m
Stand: ny

Mer informasjon — Ny HM HBM 2500-45S man platebøyemaskin

Blechbreite 2540 mm
Hinteranschlag - verstellbar 70 - 600 mm
Gesamtleistungsbedarf 5,5 kW
Maschinengewicht ca. 6275 kg
Raumbedarf ca. 3900 x 1700 x 1900 mm
sheet width 2540 mm
plate thickness 4,5 mm ST
thickness at "Niro-steel" 3,0 mm VA
bending angle max. 0 - 135 °
daylight opening 100 mm
back stop - adjustable 70 - 600 mm
total power requirement 5,5 kW
weight of the machine ca. 6275 kg
dimensions of the machine ca. 3900 x 1700 x 1900 mm
Description .
- Full hardened structure
- BEIJER 7 ”touch screen control
* Software with 40 programs and up to 50 steps
* 7-inch touchscreen built into the side stand
- with manual backgauge, adjustable from behind
- Electronic components are quality components from SCHNEIDER
- electrical cabinet is integrated in the side stand
- Adjustment of the hydraulic pressure to the material thickness
- Adjustment of the material thickness on the bending beam is easy
with a mm scale
- Handle for adjusting the material thickness on the upper beam
is hidden in the side stand
- Segmented upper cheek
The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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